Early Spring Kepler Fast Pack


The weather promised to be good for the weekend and there is not currently much snow on the peaks. So as not to waste the opportunity on Saturday at 9 am we set off for a 2 day Kepler Track jaunt, I had a new pack to test.

The plan was to walk the 28 km alpine section, to spend the night at Iris Burn Hut, and then walk 32 km through the Iris Burn Valley and along the Waiau River back to the Control Gates.

Alpine section of the Kepler Track

I planned on 7 hours walking to Iris Burn and 8 Hours to complete the loop, it turned out to be 7 1/2 hours both days. Conditions were perfect and I was grateful for my hiking poles on the steep descent. The pack performed exceptionally well, with a few minor modifications in the works.

Looking down on the Iris Burn Valley from the Kepler Track

In typical Iris Burn fashion the water was frozen when we arrived at 4:30 pm and there was no dry firewood in the hut, but both problems were easy to fix and all 8 occupants spent a warm night on matresses close to the fire.

We finished the track at 4 pm on Sunday, hungry and tired but completely relaxed and comfortable within.