Mamaku Indian Island


I am just back from a wonderful conservation trip with the Southern Conservation Volunteers Network and Pure Salt to Dusky Sound and Mamaku/Indian Island.

We flew in to Supper Cove on an empty helicopter (it needed to take cruise passengers out of the sound), the Flightless dropped us off on the downwind side of Mamaku/Indian Island and we walked accross to the sunny North side with all of our trapping supplies.

Mamaku/Indian Island

Our first night on the island we were entertained by a travelling opera of Kiwi, Kaka and Morepork under the bright full moon. Mamaku is quite steep, it took us 3 days to rebait the many Goodnature A24's and retrieve the cameras. We had a rest day in camp and then caught a ride back to Supper Cove.

The last 4 days of our trip were quite wet as we walked out over Centre Pass to West Arm. The forest is best in the rain.

The Tripod

Thanks to Stanley, Belinda, Gavin, Sally for company and entertainment. Thank you Pure Salt for inviting us, well done for all your sincere and admirably generous conservation work, I wish other tourism operators did more than the bare minimum. Please consider supporting Pure Salt and their work in Dusky Sound.