Gorge River Epic


I am recently back from an epic trip to Gorge River to collect 9 audio moth recorders placed in February 2024. They recorded a 1 minute sample of audio every 30 minutes, 24/7, for 10 months.

This time it was a 13 day solo trip that began and ended on the Hollyford Road. I needed to get it done in the quiet time before returning to work on the 6th of January 2025.

It was a very satistying trip, the whole of the Gorge River is very special.

Gorge River

There were 9 audio moths. 3 between Barn Bay and Spoon Hut. 5 near or on the heights above the Gorge River. 1 in the Cascade.

I have analysed my data. Only 1 distant kiwi call was recorded high up the Gorge River.

If I record using the same schedule near to an active pair of Haast Tokoeka, I would expect around 100 calls. There is no, or almost no, kiwi activity where I recorded.

However I did get an exciting new lead on the way home, thanks to a Big Bay resident. There may be kiwi in the Skippers Range.

A surprise was waking to booming Bittern (including a 5 boomer, 4 boomer and probably many 3 boomers) while camped on Robinson Creek.

Thanks to the wonderful kind residents of Gorge River for the greens and best christmas cake I have ever eaten. I spent new years day in Gorge River Hut reading a book.

Thanks to Sammy Stoat for rescuing me from a fierce headwind in the Pyke.

Thanks to Stanley Mulvany and Paula MacFarlane for kindly helping me place the recorders last summer.